Find a grave website
Find a grave website

find a grave website

find a grave website

Often the parents don't want to discuss it and friends don't ask.

  • Death of a Child: Naturally - because, sadly, children do sometimes die.
  • The site is intended to be open and welcoming. However unlike in many examples of this trope, no one comes out of them.

    find a grave website

  • Clown-Car Grave: Well, in Real Life they are mass graves, and they do exist - like the Mass Grave for the Mayflower Pilgrims.
  • This has nothing to do with finding Peter Graves, but you can find him there anyway. (However, there are over 20 people with the surname " Troper ".)

    #Find a grave website tv#

    It's is inevitable that some tropers have found their way into the grave, so there's probably some listed there, too - not likely by their TV Tropes handle, though. There's an online forum where Gravers can talk. Just like how people who use TV Tropes are Tropers, Find a Grave folks are called "Gravers". As with all websites random users can contribute to (as with TV Tropes), there's a fine line to walk between public information, privacy and the cost of maintaining a site. Of course usually these are written so quickly and simply - the family and funeral home want it in the paper ASAP - it would be hard to rewrite them without it looking like plagiarism. You're not supposed to cut and paste an obituary into the deceased's page as a biography note technically the obituary belongs to the newspaper it was published in/on. Sometimes people post copyrighted photos. Some people have trouble gaining control of the pages belonging to a loved one's grave. Some people are opposed to people profiting off their family's graves (the site runs on ad revenue). However the site is not without its detractors.

    Find a grave website